Archives of War


In the royal house history, warfare is frequent, here we shall record conflicts.


Note:  When two or more members of the royal house engage in conflict against other players, this qualifies for the archives.  Defeats as well as victories are to be recorded.  Submit numbers slain on both sides of the engagement along with a brief summary.


May 12, 2000 – Archives of War created for present day tracking of royal house conflicts.


May 14, 2000 – (Crushbone) Shadow Knight Rothhammer and Koada'Vie clash. Shadow knight nearly prevails but other light companions drive her away before she finihes off the Koada'Vie.


May 18, 2000 – (Greater Fay) Shadow knight Rothhammer clashes against light forces, among them are two koada'vie of the Royal House, the Shadow knight is near death but gates.


May 21, 2000 – (Crushbone) Shadow Knight in Crushbone aids the orcs defending the castle proper. Royal House mage and koada'vie present are joined as all massively overcome all orcs and the teir'dal.


June 2, 2000 – (Nektulos) Torqumada duels Rothhammer in Nektulos, the Koada'Vie prevails.


June 2, 2000 – (Lake of Ill Omen) While searching for the lost daughter and heir of King Tearis, a koada’vie raiding party from the koada’dal branch of the royal house came upon a larger number of Iksar.  Questions regarding the whereabouts of Firiona Vie we answered with spells and steel from the Iksar.  Two iksar slain, no koada’vie casualties.


June 3, 2000 – (Burning Woods) Erudite wizard attacks a much weaker party of teir’dal royal house members.  Though eight seasons stronger than the highest teir’dal in the party, the Erudite is slain.


June 7, 2000 - (Lake of Ill Omen) Iksar necromancer slain by a party led by King Tearis Thex. No information as to the whereabouts of the daughter heir surfaced. No casualties among the raiding party were incurred.


June 10, 2000 - (Temple of Cazic-Thule) Queen Cristianos Thex' war upon followers of Cazic-Thule comes to a head as gnomes (Frenchie guild) are positioned to kill the Avatar of Fear were driven out of the temple. The Avatar of Fear appeared and was slain by the forces of darkness.p>


June 11, 2000 - (Oasis) Erudite wizard slays Divolg during a royal hunt with King Naythox Thex. The wizard opened with ice comet, Divolg cast wrath instead of healing, wizard's faster casting time beat Divolg's second cast to heal. Divolg, Regent of Innoruk, fell.


June 12, 2000 - (Takish-Hiz) Queen Cristianos coordinates defenses among the guardians of Befallen. Forces of light send scouts who are slain by her majesty. Upon hearing of the Queen's location, the forces of light assemble and plunge into the ruins seeking her, only to be evaded. A Koada'Vie was reported traveling nearby the entrance of the ruins, but did not enter, raising concerns about the guarded secrets within the ruins of the ancient city of the Koada'Dal. King Naythox Thex marshalled forces for raids in Kunark against King Tearis Thex' efforts to find the whereabouts of Firiona.


June 13, 2000 - (Lava Storm) Rivervale's denizens invade Lava Storm via druid portals and the Nektulos Forest. Rothhammer leads a counterattack, driving the halflings from Lava Storm into the Nektulos on out into the Eastern Commons.


June 15, 2000 - (Nektulos) Light races joined and made a massive invasion into Nektulos and Lavastorm. The defenders of the Teir'Dal homeland, Rothhammer at the fore, valiantly counterattacked, driving all invaders away. Additional reinforcements from outposts around the Teir'Dal Empire were portaled in to aid against the more powerful of the invaders within Lavastorm.


June 18, 2000 (Overthere) Earlier this day King Naythox Thex was attacked near the teir'dal outpost on Kunark, by a dark skinned human wizard named Ramodil. The King's party jumped to his aid, and the human was slain. However he was not to be denied. Ramodil returned later, and while the King's party was engaged in a battle, he struck again. The battle was fierce, and the human was forced to teleport a short distance away. The party being in a bad way, decided to head into the outpost and the supposed safety within. It wasnt a minute later when Ramodil struck again, this time within the outpost, he had apparently made a sizable "donation" to the guards that day, as none of them raised a finger in his direction. Shortly thereafter Ramodil sent the King to visit the Father. So be warned, that the dark skinned human wizard named Ramodil DaBlasta has connections within the Teir'dal Outpost on Kunark. Do not expect the aid of the outpost guards should he attack you..


June 18, 2000 (Takish-Hiz) Last night, as Her Royal Majesty, Queen Cristianos Thex wandered the halls of Befallen, strengthening her undead minions, she was set upon by a Koada'dal wizard, Rylon of the Order of Discord. This fool Koada'dal gave little warning, perhaps thinking that if he struck swiftly he might claim a prize for Tearis Thex. He was saddly mistaken. Queen Thex unleashed the fury and might of the realm of the dead upon him, ripping his very soul from his quivering body. Then, with her usual flare of style and grace, Our Queen raised the fallen wizard to a putrid stinking zombie, to walk the ruined halls of Takish-Hiz with his fallen ancestors.


June 27-29, 2000 (Antonica) Queen Cristianos declares that 20 deaths be offered up to the all father by July 1. Xaaj, the legendary shadow knight whispered of only in tales is finally released upon the continent of Antonica, collecting more than this number leaving a wake of death and anguish across the landscape. Xaaj has been kept in stasis within the bowels of the Lodge of the Dead for the past two centuries, it is unknown when he will be recalled or if he can be.


August 7, 2000 (Ocean of Tears) Last night Vinalue and myself entered the East Commonlands to patrol for humans, elves dwarves... all manner of our enemies. We came a cross several as we did, but it seems that our countrymen were also patroling, and as we approached many small pockets of fighting, we saw everywhere, humans were being killed, often so quickly that we were unable to get even a blow in. Finally, we reached the out skirts of Freeport itself, and engaged a lone elven bard, named Cicle. Upon seeing us, he ran, as fast as he could, toward the gaurds. We summoned darkness, snaring him effectively, and had him nearly at our mercy when help arrived and repelled us. Escaping back into the forests of the Commons, we re grouped, and began to patrol back toward our home forest of Nektulous, when we encountered another battle being waged between Teir'dal, and the wicked humans. And, Cicle was there. Immediately i drew my short sword and attacked! In just a few swings I had struck him down, bashing with my shield as I did, and smashing his lute, final insult to his death. I hate light elf music... But the battle was not won.. still a barbarian, human, and at least one peck remained. choosing another bard as my target, I moved quickly to kill her as well, this time, a Human. I wonder if she had seen the power of one of the Dread Guard before, because she let out a terrified scream when I lunged at her. Running, I again quickly snared her with darkness, and began to hack at her as she tried to flee. But, one of the halflings who stood with the human band saw my attack, and quickly set upon my back as the cowardly peck do. realizing that I had become separated from my dark elven companions, and had no support, I quickly harm touched the bard, blasting the life from her, and snaring the peck in darkness, moved back to the safety of canyon to Nek forest where our forces were staging. I was not finished bandaging my wounds when the next wave hit. leaving my wounds half attended, I quickly drew my sword, and charged into the melee. I troll shaman was part of the assembly, and stood back rooting humans where they stood as they rushed to meet us. choosing a fragile looking human woman, rooted to the earth, I attacked crying out "Die ! In the name of her Majesty Queen Thex !" a few swift blows and the girl lay dead at my feet, a testimate to Innoruuk. the humans were scattered, defeated. Wounds were tended and we returned home after another sucessful patrol..


August 13, 2000 (North Ro) Last night, after I had finished killing alligators with Xans, Lehua, and some mage, who's name I don't recall, I made a sweep of North Ro on my way back to the city. As I hunted, I saw on a distant ridge line, some figures. I approached quietly, not wishing to alert them to my presence, and discovered it was a young human and a young Eurodite both hunting. One was a necromancer as well, for there was a skeletal pet in their midst. I calculated the odds. three on one. But, they were young and weak, And apparently had no fear of Teir'dal for the night was thick around us. I decided to teach them why they should fear the night, and quickly began a long circle around them, so as to come up from behind. I readied a fear spell, and once I had come close enough, cast it up on the skeletal pet. The pet turned and rushed off as fast as it could stumbling and tripping in it's undead haste over the sand dunes. Even as it did, I quickly leaped over the dune before me and began hacking at the Eurodite female, leaving the human male alone for a moment. She shreiked, and began to run, her long legs quickly out pacing me. So I summoned a darkness and set it on her, bringing her to a walk. It was a simple matter then to finish her off. As she fell her human companion, who from what I gathered had done nothing but stand and watch his Eurodite friend die, quickly gated away before I could reach him. He must have been close by, for his skeleton re appeared then, and I broke it into pieces. Scooping the gold from the Eurodites broken body, I gave it a good kick in contempt for the weaker race, and continued my way to Neriak.


August 13, 2000 (Greater Faydark) Commander Windstream led a patrol of koada'vie in Greater Fay, encountering and defeating 2 gnome necromancers and 2 gnome magicians.


August 14, 2000 (East Commonlands) Last night when the ceremony was finished, our Queen commanded that we go into the commons and slay 8 Light and give them to Innoruuk. To say the least, it was quite an evening. I myself was not there through out the entire raid, I only was able to come for the second half, and that being the case, can hardly report on the entire nights events. However, I can tell you of my part, and I will leave it to the rest of the Patrol to speak of their parts, and those they killed. We had just finished with another engagement and stood some distance from the first Inn, when I spied a high elven mage with some watery elemental for a pet. He seemed wounded, and seeing us, quickly darted into one of the buildings in the Inn, seeking cover, and maybe protection from the Innkeeper. Hahaha.. FOOL ! Calling to the rest of the patrol, I rushed around behind the building, and quickly moved around to the door. I counted quietly to three, and then kicked open the Inn door, immeditaly seeing the Koada'dal mage cowering in the corner. I set my skeleton on him, and summoned darkness to slow his steps. His own pet moved to engage mine, as my skeleton cackled delightfully, striking him soundly a few blows. The terrified, and wounded Koada'dal shoved past me, out the door, and began to run towards freeport. My darkness had stuck, yet somehow he was still exceptionally fast. I feared he would escape, and so, rather then bothering with the sword, I grabed his shoulder and harm touched him, thinking to slow him at least some. Haha ! To my surprise, he died on the spot, collapsing as the dark energies of Innoruuk flooded through his body, the corpse rolling a good 10 feet with his momentum. I did not see who spoke the words, It must have been Initiate Magaly, for she was close at hand, but I heard intoned softly, "Praise to Innoruuk, Glory to Innoruuk, Blood to Innoruuk", and smelled the black scent of crushed nightshaded sprinkled over the corpse. So was one sacrifice given to the Father !


August 27, 2000 (Warslik Woods) King Tearis Thex defeats a teir'dal mage of the royal house.!


August 28, 2000 (Greater Faydark) King Tearis Thex slays the heir to the teir'dal royal house, Valkryss Thex, in single combat.


August 28, 2000 (Eastern Commonlands) Seriguard slays a member of the teir'dal royal house, earning the rank of Koada'Vie. Decorated with the "Justice of the Dal" award.


August 28, 2000 (Lesser Faydark) Corlyn Windstream defeats a teir'dal cleric near their encampment. He then enters Mistmoore and defeats another teir'dal cleric.


September 1, 2000 (Eastern Commonlands) Anandar slays a member of the teir'dal royal house and is promoted to Koada'Vie. He was decorated with the "Justice of the Dal".


September 2, 2000 (Greater Faydark) Gnome, dwarf and halfling bandits attack Dal lands near the gates to Felwithe. Koada'Vie of the 3rd Wing drive off the bandits repeatedly until the threat is neutralized.


September 4, 2000 (Commonlands)A shout rang through the Forest, "Humans at the Valley to the Commonlands!" Finishing off the 3 skeletons that so foolishly attemted to waylay me, I shouted I was on my way. I arrived at the entrance to the Valleyonly to finda a disorganized troop of our Brethren with Ogre and Troll Mercenaries. Realizing we would surely be outnumbred, I sent a call echoing through the forest forr all the teir`Dal bretheren to come to aid in the defense of the Royal forest. I did not have long to wait. Soon we were 12 strong, and we rushed the Human Group and took them by suprise. They underestimated the will of the Father and his children. A lengthy battle ensued. My blade finding a chink back of a Barbarain warriors finley crafted armor. He grunted in suprise as I twisted my blade, in his back. He whirled to face me and swung wildly in the usual clumsy barbarian fighting style, which I easily avoided whil bringing my blade to the dender spot of his elbow...I was met with a staidfying crunch of blade on bone. Turning from my attack I was hit full in the head with the butt of a Bone bladed claymore, thankfully, much of the blow was deflected by my helm and my sword fond a tender spot in his neck where I sliced through his artery. Clasping his gauntlet to his neck, with his life blood spilling from his fingers, he narrowed his eyes and realizing that never again would he underestimate a young teir`dal, abd slumped the the ground, dead. Turning to find my next target I spied a Barbarian shaman pounding his Hammer into a Necromancer younger than my self. I drew his attention bu leaping through the air and landing a solid blow to his head with my shield. This shaman was feeble and fell quickly, for the necromancer had cast poisined and deseased him and he was weak. My blade swiftly found the shinks in his armor, and soon I cut out his heart. As I was handin the Young necromancer the still warm heart of the Barbarian Shaman, once again I felt a blow land on me from behind, staggering to my left I quickly got my shield up to ward off the second blow of a Human Shadowknight. "You Dare to cal yourself a Knight of the Shadows?" I growled. He said nothing but clumsliy wound up for another blow with his 2 handed sword. Deflecting this barely with my shield, I thrust upward with my own blade catching him sqarely on his chin. Staggering backwards I regained my stance and my center, from a tier`dal Cleric. Attacking while the Human was off balance, again and again my blade drove home. Finally with the look of terror in his eyes and down on one knee, he begged me for his life. "now you will be judged by the father you sorry excuse of a creature", I snarled and lopped off his head. Immidately my mind went numb. What majik was this? I slowly turned to see a hlaf breed Elf grinning from behind a bronze helm. My arms were heavy but I broke his lute with a bash from my shield and was free of that vile song. I rallied those around me for Aide, and he was quickly dispatched. I enter this encounter into the books of the House of Thex in hope of pleasing the house into acceptance of this humble Knight of the Shadows as an apprentice. May the Father guide your hand in all you do. May your hate burn eternal. Ashei


After a successful hunt in the Commonlands, I was returning home to sell the fruits of my hunt. Several shouts of "Barbarian at the Log!" and "Humans at the training Log" rang through the forest. Becoming concerned, I changed direction abruptly and made for the area at a full run. Upon my arrival I spied a tall barbarian with the odd name of "Sometallguy". Shrugging off his name as an example of low intullect, I placed 4 arrows in his back before he turned to run. The chase lasted for several minutes, with him just in range of my arrows. Finally, he seemed to tire, or thought he lost me atop the rocky hills behind the Wizard Spires, I walked up to him and let him know that his death was near with a Bash to his head. He moved not. I bashed him again demanding that he stand and do battle, but again he ignored me. Then, my rage exploded on this ignorant savage, and I began to Hack at his armor savagely. This seemed to get his attention finally and he stood and started to attempt to Ward off my blows. Suddenly, I was poisoned and deseased. I smiled and told him that pain enhances me and makes my mind sharp. He only replied with a grunt. The battle was close, for his spells were deadly. Towards the end the battle was even. deciding to use the only gift I have in my youth I reach out a Hand and touched him tenderly on his cheek, He immidately writhed in pain and collapsed, his body lifeless. With great effort I severed his head from his body and I present it as a gift to the Court of The House. Yours in Darkness, Ashei Dn`Zal Last Knight of the Shadows of Family Dn`Zal Born of Pain and Lava


October (Neriak, 3rd Gate - During the Teir'Dal Dark Court) The Dark Court was being conducted by Queen Cristianos Thex of the Teir'Dal Empire. Two Koada'Dal casters from the Elven Royal Guard penetrated the city of Neriak's defenses unnoticed. The two assassins journeyed all the way to the 3rd Gate of Neriak and entered the Dark Court conducted by the Queen, still unnoticed. The two assassins then unleashed a rain of deadly spells upon the Queen, slaying her rapidly before a stunned court. They then gated out, unscathed. By far, this was the most daring and successful raid against either royal house, one which earned great enmity from the Teir'Dal royals and applause from the light elf side of the royal house.


October (Neriak) The Teir'Dal branch of the royal house gathers to resurrect the Queen. Koada'Dal sacrifices are made and a ritual of darkness enacted successfully, bringing back Cristianos.


November (Eastern Commonlands) Two paladins organize the citizens of Freeport for a large scale raid against the Teir'Dal of the Nektulos Forest. 30 Teir'Dal are slain in a sweeping victory led by the two paladins of Tunare.